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Susanne DiGiorgio
Teacher of Special Education and Mathematics
Special Education
Alicja Weglarz
Teacher of Special Education and Mathematics
Special Education
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Brian DeYoung
Teacher of Special Education
Special Education
Stephanie Montoya
Teacher of Special Education & Math
Special Education
Michele Gaffney
Teacher of Special Education
Special Education
Doreen Yates
Teacher of Special Education
Special Education
Michelle Treus
Teacher of Special Education
Special Education
John DiGiorgio
Teacher of Special Education
Special Education
Melissa Gentile
Teacher of Special Education and Mathematics
Special Education
Elizabeth Shick
Teacher of Special Education and English
Special Education
Brenda Gupta
Supervisor of School Counseling & Student Wellness
Subject Supervisors
(201) 794-5450 x.2027
Ronald Durso
K-12 Supervisor of Science, 6-12 Engineering and Technology & K-8 Health & Physical Education
Subject Supervisors
(201) 794-5450 x.2409
Lauren Gimon
Supervisor of K-12 Mathematics & 9-12 Business, & Career Ed.
Subject Supervisors
(201) 794-5450 x.2211
Liliana Lopez
Supervisor of K-12 World Languages, ML, and Music
Subject Supervisors
(201) 794-5450 x.4529
Derek Khoudja
Supervisor of K-12 Social Studies, Fine Arts, and Elementary Technology
Subject Supervisors
(201) 794-5450 x.1010
Gary Pankiewicz
Supervisor of K-12 Language Arts
Subject Supervisors
(201) 794-5450 x.4532
Natalie Balon
Supervisor of Special Education Middle/HS
Subject Supervisors
(201) 794-5450 x.7039
Brian McDonald
Industrial Arts Teacher
Tech Education
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Kathy Tobin
Director of Educational Applications & Training
Technology Support
(201) 794-5450 x.7013