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If your child sees a doctor for an injury and the doctor prescribes activity restrictions, please obtain the following:
Activity restriction note-
If your child will need to be excused from gym or recess, a note is required from the doctor stating a specific time period for activity restrictions. The note should state a diagnosis or reason for restriction. The note must include an end date. A note stating 'until further notice' will not be acceptable. The doctor may use the date of the next follow-up appointment as a temporary end date. At the elementary level, a parent may request a PE class exclusion. This exclusion is good for one day only.
If your child is excluded from PE class, they are automatically excluded from recess activity.
According to district policy, students with casts, crutches, walkers, canes or other immobilizers (such as ace bandages), will not be admitted to school without a physician's documentation. The doctor may include this information in the original note.