Gifted and Talented
K-12 Fair Lawn Gifted and Talented Overview
The Fair Lawn Board of Education’s Gifted and Talented Program is directly aligned to thedistrict’s third goal of its 5-year Strategic Plan—“Personalized Learning & Academic Excellencefor All”. As such, the district is committed to providing its students with an educational programthat will enable them to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. Opportunities for studentsto enhance their potential are provided through a tiered system of differentiated experiences, bothin instructional depth and scope, which includes whole class, pull-out, self-select, curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs. Within these programs, students are challenged toengage in inquiry, take intellectual risks, expand their problem-solving skills, and exercise criticalthinking.Fair Lawn’s gifted program is guided by the National Association of Gifted Children’s (NAGC)definition of giftedness: “Students with gifts and talents perform - or have the capability to perform- at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or moredomains.” This is consistent with the New Jersey Department of Education’s definition put forthin New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:8-3.1(a)(5): Gifted and talented “means a student whopossesses or demonstrates a high level of ability in one or more content areas when comparedto his chronological peers in the school district and who requires modifications of hiseducational program if he is to achieve in accordance with his capabilities.”Using a tiered approach in elementary schools, a combined framework of tiered services andaccelerated courses in the middle schools, and a diverse offering of honors, advancedplacement, and dual enrollment opportunities at the high school level, Fair Lawn students areable to stimulate their academic growth in their areas of strength. The goal of our gifted andtalented program is not to label a student, but rather to recognize and respond to their ever-changing educational needs.
Please open the attachment below for the full program overview.
Elementary Identification Process (Grades K-6)
The Fair Lawn REACH Program’s identification procedures are designed as a means to recognize and respond to the gifted behaviors that students demonstrate. It is an ongoing process that provides the opportunity to meet the changing needs of students from year to year.
The Fair Lawn School District recognizes that children continue to grow and develop throughout their education. Thus, eligibility and services in one school year is neither a prerequisite nor a guarantee for eligibility of services in subsequent school years. In an effort to meet a student’s ever-changing and unique educational needs, students are re-evaluated annually to identify the need for REACH services.
Identification for K-2
Information from the following sources will be gathered during the identification process. Students must meet or exceed the criteria to participate in the Type 3 small group facet of the program.
CogAT Screener
PETS Assessments
Teacher Nomination
Identification for 3-6 (seminars)
Information from the following sources will be gathered during the identification process.
CogAT Screener
CTP5 (when available)
Classroom Assessments
Teacher Nomination
The areas of Literacy and Math are targeted and scored separately. Students must meet identified criteria in the above measures in order to gain entrance into the Literacy and/or Mathematics Seminars.
Current identification criteria can be found in the document below.